Friday, 30 August 2019

6 Tips for Moving Your Child to University this Autumn

Summer is almost over and that means your child will be getting ready to move back into university dorms or nearby campus housing. Your child may have worked hard all summer long at an internship or full-time job setting money aside for the upcoming school year.

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Depending on whether this is your child’s first year at university or a subsequent year, they will have different things they will want to take with them. New students fall into one of two categories.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Eight Signs You Have Outgrown Your Home

When you first moved into your studio or one-bedroom apartment or starter home, you probably felt like there was plenty of space. 

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Yet, as your belongings accumulated and you made other changes to your lifestyle, like getting married or having a child, you eventually realized you needed a bigger home. Read more here...